Anna Mae Perillo’s long awaited novel, Porcelain is in the final stages of editing and will hopefully be available soon. The genre is Contemporary Women’s Fiction. While tackling difficult issues, the novel has humor, romance, fun, and generally some crazy stuff! Think Fannie Flag and Billie Letts, but Anna Mae has her own style!
Happily married, generally upbeat Marguerite is busy with her many many jobs—a thriving “memory doll” business, prop master at the community college and the founding member of the Cuddle Club at the hospital. She does not, however, have the job she always dreamed of—being a mother. The novel is set in St. Augustine, Florida with trips to New Jersey and Charleston, South Carolina in the mid-90’s. In the summer of her 38th year, reminded by a note in a cup, Marguerite decides to take time off to make decisions which may include letting her dream go. Her plans for a peaceful summer are derailed by an alligator liberation, a back-up wife, her sisters antics, three teenagers and a catatonic client with a secret. Marguerite learns that decisions are not always made through conscious deliberation, and maybe chaos can be instructive.